Sulfidická mineralizace s Au-bohatým stříbrem z Utína v havlíčkobrodském rudním revíru (Česká republika)


Pauliš Petr,Kopecký Stanislav,Dolníček Zdeněk,Sejkora Jiří


Sulphide mineralization was found in relics of mine dumps from medieval mining near Utín, at SE part of the Havlíčkův Brod ore district (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic). It is represented by pyrite, Fe-rich sphalerite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena (with chemical compositions corresponding to other occurrences of this ore district) and more rare jamesonite and boulangerite. The main Ag ore was probably Ag-rich member of tetrahedrite group - kenoargentotetrahedrite-(Fe) with empirical formula (Ag5.45Cu4.48)Σ9.93(Fe1.75Zn0.32Mn0.01)Σ2.08Sb4.00S12.05. Another interesting mineral found in this association is Au-rich silver with Au contents in the range 53.35 - 56.40 wt. % and average empirical formula Ag0.60Au0.39. Schultenite, minerals of the pharmacosiderite group and inhomogeneous Fe-arsenates were detected from the rarely represented supergene mineralization.


Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie


Economic Geology,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology

Reference37 articles.

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