1. Pyatigorsk State University
In technology research, much has been achieved in the field of visual and auditory analysis as compared to the perception of smells. This article discusses the latest advances in the field of electronic (E-nose) used to recognize the olfactory code. All studies can be conditionally divided according to the goals into: 1. Research aimed at the practical application of electronic systems in areas such as food industry, medicine, the environment, etc. 2. Research aimed at cognitive processes and psycho-emotional reactions of a person during olfactory experience, as well as the ability of a machine to predetermine human reactions to various smells. In this case, an important role is played by language, which acts as a representation of olfactory sensations. The methods of conceptual and semantic analysis are becoming more and more in demand in studies devoted to machine recognition of the olfactory code.
Pyatigorsk State University