1. St. Petersburg State University
2. Pyatigorsk State University
In this research work, an analysis of collocations associated with the concepts of “smell”, “aroma”, “stench” and “stench” in the Russian and English languages was carried out using quantitative methods and automatic language processing on the basis of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NCRL), corpus English (COCA) and the Mannheim Corpus for German. The obtained statistical indicators make it possible to identify the peculiarities of the use of adjectives, verbs and nouns that reflect the attitude to olfactory experience in English, Russian and German. The results allow us to compare descriptions of odors in different cultures and identify trends in the assessment of olfactory impressions. Patterns in the compatibility of olfactory vocabulary also indicate the tendency of keywords to acquire a positive or negative emotional connotation due to collocates.
Pyatigorsk State University
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