


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. University of Marburg, Germany


The article presents the results of an extensive study of the bottom topography of the Ob River Gulf in the Kara Sea, which is a follow-up to the long-term studies of the authors. It refines the existing ideas and aims at solving a fundamental problem of reconstructing the conditions for the formation of bottom topography in the shallow bays of the Kara Sea in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The work aims to create a regional characteristic of the geomorphologic structure of the Ob River Gulf bottom. The initial data on the bottom topography were taken from marine navigational maps and sounding boards at a scale of 1:50 000 - 1:100 000. We processed and interpreted the collected cartographic material to create a detailed DEM of the bottom and a bathymetric map at a scale of 1:200 000 with an isobaths interval of 1 m. In addition to bathymetric data, the compilation of a geomorphologic map engaged a large amount of literature and stock materials on geomorphology, geology, and geocryology of the region. The original morphogenetic legend was elaborated with due account of current ideas regarding the conditions for the formation of periglacial plains relief at the regressive stage of the Kara Sea shelf evolution. It was found that the relict fluvial relief prevails within the gulf and was partly modified by subaqueous processes during post-LGM transgression and the current epoch. We have indicated the most critical features of the structure and pattern of the flooded pravalley of the Ob River, as well as the total ancient erosion network. The selected individual forms and relief elements take into account the scale of objects and the degree of their generalization on the map and give an idea of the development of relief-forming processes both at the subaerial stage and under subaqueous conditions, including specific features of modern dynamics of the coastal and bottom relief.


Russian Science Foundation


Moscow University Press

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