Evolution of bioclasts during catagenesis in rocks of Bazhenov formation on the territory of the Frolov oil and gas region


Marunova Darya A.1ORCID,Pronina Natalya V.1ORCID,Kalmykov Anton G.1ORCID,Ivanova Darya A.1ORCID,Savostin Grigoriy G.1ORCID,Vaitechovich Anastasiya P.1ORCID,Kalmykov Georgiy A.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The paper presents the results of the Bazhenov formation rocks organic matter on the territory of the Frolov oil and gas region of the West Siberian basin investigations. The maceral composition of the sediments is represented by bituminite and alginite, removed vitrinite, as well as bioclasts: onychites and calcespheres organic matter. The investigation is focused on bioclasts. The petrographic characteristics, their change in the process of maturation evolution are described, qualitative parameters to access the degree of bioclasts maturity are established, and the initial formula for converting the onychites reflection index to the equivalent of vitrinite reflection index is proposed.


Moscow University Press


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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