Patterns of changes in the composition and physical-mechanical properties of andesites of the East Pauzhetsky thermal field under the influence of argillization (Southern Kamchatka)


Bolshakov Ilya E.1,Frolova Yuliya V.1,Rychagov Sergey N.2,Chernov Mikhail S.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FED RAS


The features of the transformation of andesites of the East-Pauzhetsky thermal field under the influence of the argillization process are studied on a number of samples of various degrees of alteration taken from boreholes and from outcrops near the object under study. The main patterns of changes in composition and physical-mechanical properties of andesites are revealed. A schematic diagram of the structure of the thermal field in the section has been compiled, according to which three horizons are distinguished from bottom to top, showing an increase in the degree of hydrothermal transformation — altered andesites, metasomatic breccias and hydrothermal clays.


Moscow University Press


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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