Focused fluid discharge as subaqueous landsliding factor, an example of Krasnoyarskiy landslide, the Lake Baikal


Kudaev A. A.1,Akhmanov G. G.1,Khlystov O. M.2,Vidischeva O. N.3,Solovyeva M. A.4,Korost D. V.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University; UNESCO-MSU Training and Research Center for Marine Geology and Geophysics

2. Limnological Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University

4. LLC «Deco-Geophysics»


There are represented results of Krasnoyarskiy subaqueous landslide researches in this paper. Landslide is located at subaqueous part of delta of the Selenga river. A multidisciplinary approach was applied to the study of the landslide, including seismo-acoustic, lithological, gas-geochemical and geotechnical studies. Obtained data from landslide and surrounding soils allowed to put forward a hypothesis, whereby a key factor to landslide origin was been high gas saturation of the soils and reason of landslide was an earthquake. The proposed approach to the studying of bottom soils in lakes and seas can be applied both in assessing their stability and in searching for focus fluid discharging zones at the bottom in areas associated with hydrocarbon deposits in the sedimentary section. Also, approach can be applied in mapping of permafrost melting in Arctic region offshore, where gases are often accumulating below it.


Moscow University Press


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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