The article is devoted to study the issue of Russian franchises export potential, which is relevant due to the steady positive dynamics of Russian franchising market over the past few years and the new geopolitical reality. The purpose of this paper is to identify the main factors that indicate the readiness of domestic franchises to enter foreign markets, as well as to identify promising export regions. The article examines the evolution of Russian franchising development, confirming its effectiveness as a way of scaling business, and resistance to economic crises. Special attention is paid to Russian franchises already operating in the international market: the main problems of going abroad are revealed, connected with the necessity of “immersion” in the local market, the difficulty of adaptation to the conditions of doing business in a new country, national peculiarities, high financial costs. At the same time, the article analyzes a set of state support measures aimed at solving the problems of entering foreign markets and stimulating the international expansion of Russian companies. The study reveals trends and prospects for the development of Russian franchise exports, considering the capabilities of the franchise model and the conditions of the new economic reality.
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