Cultivation and Study of Varieties, Forms of Pears and Quinces in Conditions of Artificial Fog


Zatsepina Ilona V.1


1. Federal Scientific Center named after I.V. Michurin, Breeding and Genetic Center – VNIIGiSPR named after I.V. Michurin


In this article, studies of green cuttings of varieties and clonal rootstocks of pear and quince were carried out using artificial fog. Experiments to study the rootability of green cuttings of pear varieties – Hera, Severyanka krasnoschekaya, Extravaganza, Autumn Yakovleva, Tenderness, Allegro, Yakovlev’s Favorite, Skorospelka from Michurinsk, clone rootstocks of pear PG 12 (k), PG 2, PG 17-16 and Northern quince, VA 29, No. 21, Provencal were carried out in a greenhouse with a fi lm a coating equipped with a fog-forming installation. In the future, the following were grown and studied: the number of rooted rootstocks; the average length of the increments; the diameter of the conditional root neck; the average number of roots; the length of the roots. As a result, clonal rootstocks of pears PG 12 (k), PG 2, PG 17-16, Northern quince were isolated, which had the highest rootability over 60.0%.


Moscow University Press

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