1. All-Russian Research Institute of Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry
2. Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
The list of parasitoids inhabit in the centers of mass reproduction of the allied bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichh.) in the Tomsk Region is given. Parasitoids were reared from the branches cut in the upper parts of the crowns to the Siberian pine Pinus sibirica Du Tour., inhabited by the allied bark beetle. The branches were collected in the centers of its mass reproduction in the Tomsk region, in the invasive part of the range of this xylophagous allied bark beetle. In addition to Ips amitinus, the branches were inhabited by Pityogenes chalcographus (L.), Pityogenes conjunctus Rtt., Pissodes piniphilus (Hbst), and Monochamus saltuarius Gebler. In total, 11 species of xylophagous parasitoids inhabiting branches were found, including 5 parasitoids of the union bark beetle: Coeloides ungularis (Thomson.), Dinotiscus eupterus (Walker), Tomicobia seitneri (Ruschka), Rhopalicus tutela (Walker), Roptrocerus xylophagoraum (Ratzeburg). Eubazus semirugosus (Nees), Spathius rubidus (Rossi), Eurytoma arctica Thomson, Tomicobia pityophthori (Bouček), Rhopalicus quadratus (Ratzeburg) were bred from the branches that dwelt Ips amitinus и Pityogenes chalcographus. Braconid Coeloides ungularis Thomson as the host of Ips amitinus is indicated for the rst time.
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