1. Bagrov L. The history of Russian cartography. Moscow: Centropoligraf, 2005. 522 p.
2. Geographical reference books of the XVII century // Historical Archive. Vol. V. 1950. pp. 103-148.
3. Gnucheva V.F. Geographical Department of the Academy of Sciences in the XVIII century. M.; L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1946. 445 p.
4. Gurland I.Ya. Yamskaya persecution in the Moscow state until the end of the XVII century. Yaroslavl: Printing house of the Provincial Government, 1900. 339 p.
5. Klyuchevsky V.O. Course of Russian history. Part 2. M.: Printing houses of the Moscow city Arnold-Tretyakov School of the Deaf named after P.P. Ryabushinsky, 1912. 516 p.