


1. Xi’an International Studies University, China, Xian

2. Ivanovo State University, Russian Federation, Ivanovo


This article considers the authors’ theoretical complex ‘cognitive humanitarian semiotics’ (ST (synthetic text) - SLP (synthetic lingual personality) - CPP (cognitive-pragmatic program)) as ‘growth points’ of philological knowledge. This complex is built in the mode of metadisciplinarity, the essence of which is in a deep epistemological substantiation of those interdisciplinary connections that unambiguously point to the internal kinship of outwardly heterogeneous principles that define a complex (hybrid) cultural and linguistic object.Main results: for a deep interpretation of the ‘subject-text’ in culture, its model analysis is necessary (according to uniform rules on variable material and with variable components). The specifics of SLP is that it allows modeling heterogeneous in terms of discursiveness zones (for example, verbal and behavioral at the same time) culturally significant ‘text of the subject in culture’ precisely as an individual one. This is possible because its main parameters are determined by the CPP of the SLP of the source subject. The basic CPP of the artist that is directly related to the intentionality of the acts of his consciousness, demonstrates the inseparability of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, cognitive intentions of the personality and the forms of its creative (life-creating) self-realization, conceptually indexes the entire synthetic text space and sets the analytical-interpretative / reinterpretative vectors of its perception and self-perception. The creativity of a real artist in the aspect of the CPP appears, on the one hand, as a purposeful developing system (otherwise, the emergence and evolution of a recognizable author’s artistic world and poetics, style formation, etc., is impossible), on the other hand, as an ‘open system’ that constantly ‘finds itself’ under all transformations. The literary projection of the SLP allows us to give a ‘deep’ (cognitive-discursive), rather than an external description of many processes of the sociocultural ‘field of literature’ and - deepened to the analysis of the CPP - the leading strategy of the author-creator, in fact, the ‘basic law’ of his creative (life-creating) path. The CPP determines the patterns of the culture of the Fate of the Myth-Creating Poet, which has become a precedent text, or any other stable form of ‘non-standard discursiveness’.


Moscow University Press

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