Main consumer choice drivers for fi lm products in the Russian market


Gerasimenko V. V.1ORCID,Kheirbeik Iu. A.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Film distribution market is a highly competitive one, which only emphasizes the need to optimize costs for the production and promotion of domestic films while increasing box office potential. The purpose of this research is to identify the primary choice drivers for movies in the movie theater in current market conditions as a required prerequisite for effective promotion. The results of a content analysis of open data tracker Cinema Viewer in 2021 allow us to identify several drivers defining the choice of moviegoers. They can be divided into two main categories: content elements and promotional elements. Among content elements, the most important are film's genre, plot, and cast. The most important promotional element is the trailer. Furthermore, two findings stand out among the results of this study, which require detailed research in the further works on the subject, as they can significantly influence the promotional strategies for film products in the Russian market. Firstly, the study showed that information itself, rather than its source, is more important for the viewer, which means that further optimization of marketing budgets is possible by reducing spending on most expensive platforms (primarily TV). Secondly, recommendations play just as important a role in the choice of film as advertising, which also makes it possible to optimize the marketing budget through social media marketing.


Moscow University Press

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