Development of the Oil and Gas Potential of the Arctic Region: Issues of Methodology and Practical Implementation


Trofimov S.E.1ORCID


1. Academy of Military Sciences


In the development of methodological provisions for the integrated development of hydrocarbon resources are considered issues of improving the subsoil use of the Arctic and continental shelf of Russia. State support measures provide for the introduction of advanced technological solutions, that meet the highest environmental requirements, in all stages of the production processes of oil and gas enterprises. The application of various methodological tools to shelf projects taking into account internal specifics are justified. This contributes to formation of oil and gas centers in the Arctic region, becoming of the Northern Sea Route as a global transport route. The key areas of practical implementation of the state Arctic policy are related to the solution of infrastructure, logistics and socio-economic issues in the Arctic regions, the development of related industries. Strengthening the energy potential of the region provides the adoption of verified state and management decisions, the creation of special legal conditions for the integrated development of oil and gas fields, aimed at stimulating internal mechanisms of economic growth, preserving the unique ecosystem and biological diversity in the Arctic. To a certain extent, this is facilitated by the cluster form of development, the involvement of the largest scientific and industry institutions in the implementation of Arctic projects, which leads to improving professional competencies, and the implementation of a flexible technological policy. The complex development of hydrocarbon reserves of the Arctic and continental shelf makes a significant contribution to the achievement of technological sovereignty of the domestic economy and the advanced technological development of the oil and gas complex.


Moscow University Press

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