1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
To protect the national interests of the Russian Federation in the context of geopolitical tension, there is a growing need to update theoretical approaches to ensuring Russia’s national security, including the ethnopolitical field. The relevance of the study is determined by the multi-ethnic composition of Russia and the increasing number of external and internal threats to the harmonious state of interethnic relations. On the base of application of the civilizational approach, the demand for which in topical studies is increasing, the author examines the relationship between the concepts of “ethnopolitical security” and “civilizational security” as two components of Russia’s national security. The article discusses their common academic interpretations. Based on the analysis of the Russian Federation’s National Security Strategy, a conclusion is made about the impossibility of ensuring the ethnopolitical security of Russia without taking into account the context of civilizational confrontation. The author proposes to consider ethnopolitical security as a subsystem of ensuring the security of a civilization state. Also the results suggest that this dimension of ethnopolitical security, focusing on the protection of value boundaries, is reflected in strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation.