Variability of the Southeast Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone and its impact on sea surface temperature off north-central Chile


Ancapichún Santiago,Garcés-Vargas José


The Southeast Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone (SPSA) extends over the entire South Pacific Basin and it is the dominant forcing of the Humboldt Current System. The SPSA has seasonal, interannual, and decadal (interdecadal) variability. The latter variability has been associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), recognized as a Pan-Pacific mode. However, most of the ocean–atmosphere studies on interdecadal scales have been conducted in the Northern Hemisphere, and very few in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, through reanalysis model outputs and satellite data, this research mainly establishes the relationship between SPSA and PDO in the period 1949–2012 and its impact on sea surface temperature along the north-central coast of Chile between 2000 and 2012. For this purpose we first analyzed the seasonal and interannual variability of the SPSA. An analysis of correlation between air pressure at sea level and the PDO and Southern Annular Mode (SAM) indices established that, at the interdecadal scale, these oscillations explained 49% and 40% of the variance, respectively; however, SAM had a time lag of six years to explain this variance. The PDO, in the air pressure field, produced similar changes to El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Over the past 13 years, the SPSA has intensified and shifted toward the southwest, increasing the offshore Ekman transport and Ekman suction, which would explain much of the observed coastal cooling south of 33º S (central Chile). 


Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanologicas


Aquatic Science

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