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2. Kalashov D.T. Pre-project analysis as an integral part of the design process. Science, education and experimental design at the Moscow Architectural Institute: abstracts of international scientific and practical conferences, faculty, young scientists and students. 2018; 229-230. (rus.).
3. Zavylyonkov S.A. About multifunctional residential buildings. The Eurasian Scientific Journal. 2018; 10(4):24. (rus.).
4. Paramonova E.S., Solodilova L.A. Investment attractiveness of vacated and reorganized territories in Moscow for implementation of environmental management projects and functional re-profiling of capital construction projects. Science, education and experimental design at the Moscow Architectural Institute: abstracts of international scientific and practical conferences, faculty, young scientists and students. 2018; 225-226. (rus.).
5. Demin D.N., Solodilova L.A. Functional and planning organization of institutions for additional education and upbringing at the place of residence. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2018; 2(43):185-196. (rus.).