
Poddaeva Olga I.1,Egorychev Oleg O.1,Nagornova Zhanna I.1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU)


Introduction. The article is devoted to the description of the method of experimental modeling of wind effects on buildings and structures located in dense urban areas. The relevance of the research topic is explained by the increase in the density of urban development in large cities, as well as the tendency to the point construction of high-rise buildings in areas with existing low-rise, historical buildings. Materials and methods. Experimental modeling in a wind tunnel is considered as a research method. Studies were conducted on a reduced geometrically similar model of the real object. As measuring equipment was used the research system, which based on differential strain-gauge pressure sensors. The results of experimental studies are presented in the form of dimensionless aerodynamic pressure coefficients. The object under study is a building consisting of three non-high-rise and one designed high-rise buildings. In order to assess the impact of the designed building on the wind load on the existing building structures, three different schemes of their location were considered. Results. Parameters of wind load (aerodynamic coefficients) on existing building structures were determined and exponential graphs of the dependence of the average values of the aerodynamic coefficients on the location of the height structure and the angle of attack of the incident air flow were constructed. Conclusions. The results of the research suggest a significant decrease in the average wind load on the buildings of the existing building when the high-rise building is located near it, which indicates the beneficial effect of this arrangement of buildings on the aerodynamic situation of the area in terms of wind load on the buildings themselves. Nevertheless, at the stage of development of project documentation for each such facility, it is recommended to conduct comprehensive studies, where, in addition to the wind load, the impact of the designed structures on the aeration and bioclimatic comfort of the development area will be assessed.


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

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