Planning of settlements in timber-producing areas (on the example of the Arkhangelsk region)


Perekopskaia Marina A.1,Alekseev Iurii V.1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU)


Introduction. The Arkhangelsk region is one of the largest domestic timber-processing regions with the most modern production complex. This region has a great raw material potential (the total wood stock is 2,573 million m3) and has a unique position for the export of target products. However, the existing potential in this timber industry area, as in other regions of Russia, is used irrationally. Only 20 % of the harvested wood is processed at the enterprises of the domestic timber industry complex (hereinafter –– TIC), and the rest is exported in unprocessed form. The irrational use of resources is due to a number of reasons, including the peculiarities of the existing territorial and spatial organization of industrial territories and settlements, which does not correspond to the changed technologies of harvesting, transportation and processing of wood, as well as reproduction of forest resources. As a result of this discrepancy and the old ways of explaining it, extensive forest use is carried out, significant disturbed territories are formed, the boundaries of logging activities are constantly shifting, which leads to the removal of forest resource base sites from settlements where the production territories of TIC enterprises are located. All this negatively affects the functioning of these enterprises and, as a result, the viability of settlements whose population participates in the processes of processing and processing of wood. A change in the approach to the territorial and spatial organization of settlements can contribute to solving these problems. Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of publicly available data, published works of foreign and domestic authors. During the research, the method of system analysis and the methodology of the territorial and spatial organization of settlements in the region were used. Results. The classification and identification of interconnected settlements of the timber industry district is proposed, based on their role in the planning organization of the district and in the implementation of technological processes of wood processing. The existing production functions of settlements are defined and possible options for their expansion are proposed. On the example of the Arkhangelsk region, a scheme for expanding the production functions of settlements has been prepared. Measures have also been identified to bring the areas of the forest resource base of timber processing enterprises closer to the production territories of settlements, which must be implemented during the territorial and spatial organization of settlements. Conclusions. In the current socio-economic conditions, there is a need for a planning system that makes it possible to develop a TIC that ensures the relationship of the processes of harvesting, consistent waste-free processing of wood and reproduction of forest resources with the territorial and spatial organization of settlements in the timber industry district.


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

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