Reengineering of capital construction objects and reengineering of technological processes


Sborshikov Sergey B.1,Maslova Lubov A.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU)


Introduction. The article discusses two types of corporate-level reengineering of investment and construction activities: the qualitative transformation of capital construction projects (CCP) and technological processes. The implementation of the reengineering measures in respect of the CCP is studied as a dominant. All the mutual relations and interactions of anthropotechnical system elements and external environment are assembled around the CCP. The CCP is considered as the expression of the achieved result. Materials and methods. The study used legislative and normative documents regulating investment and construction activities in the Russian Federation as well as papers of domestic and foreign scientists. The examined normative and methodological materials allowed identifying criteria and factors of classification of reengineering measures at the level of “building project – building site” and on this basis establishing the composition of the reengineering of a CCP and reengineering of technological processes. Results. The article examines the normative component of the practical activity of the reengineering. It provides the following terms regulated by the current legislative base of construction: reconstruction, major repair, technical re-equipment, restoration. Separately, the definition of CCP reprofiling is suggested. Structural and functional relations within CCP and technological processes reengineering are studied. Conclusions. The research has demonstrated that the reengineering is an efficient mechanism of formation of a comfortable living environment based on achievements of science and technology, record and complete satisfaction of consumers’ demands, as well as the creation of competitive advantages for not only domestic construction establishments but also the whole national construction industry. All this made it possible to determine the genesis of the corporate level reengineering of investment and construction activities and to establish a structure of the CCP reengineering. In conclusion, the article presented the main directions for improving the efficiency of the reengineering mechanism. The role of information and analytical activity organization quality in this system of the measures is specially marked.


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

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