Prospects for the use of seedling technologies in medicinal plant production


Malankina E. L.1ORCID,Romanova N. G.2


1. FSBEI HPE «The Russian State Agricultural University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy»; VILAR, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

2. SBPEI HDM «MC № 2», The state budgetary professional education institution of the health care department of Moscow «MEDICAL COLLEGE № 2»


Relevance. The article highlights the issues of growing medicinal and essential oil crops, the seeds shortage and the problem of chemical polymorphism of raw materials. As a possible way to solve this problem is considered a wide introduction of seedling technologies for medicinal and essential oil crops. An analysis was carried out and information was systematized on individual elements of the technological process.Purpose. To analyze and explore the possibilities for the introduction of seedling technologies in medicinal plant growing, taking into account the experience at other branches of plant growing, primarily vegetable growing.Methods. Information obtained from literary sources was systematized by individual elements of the technological process, presented in a logical sequence and analyzed for applicability in medicinal plant production.Results. The result of the literary sources analysis, the personal experience of researchers on the use of the seedling method for medicinal, and essential oil crops growing, they showed the prospect the seedlings technology for generatively and vegetatively propagated plants. Thanks to modern growth regulators and fertilizers, it is possible to intensify the process of seedling production, and specifically to increase the germination and energy of seed germination, rooting of cuttings, shorten the period from sowing (planting cuttings) to planting in the ground and get cassette seedlings with a well-developed root system. The mechanization of the sowing and planting processes can significantly reduce the costs of these operations, a longer interval for planting allows you to prepare the field with the highest quality and successfully fight weeds by mechanical means. The technique used for these operations in commercial vegetable growing is suitable for medicinal and essential oil crops without further modification. Conclusion. The widespread introduction of the seedling method can be the best solution to the problem of lack of seeds, difficulties of direct sowing in the ground and a long germination phase, care after planting and weed control in the first period, and will also allow obtaining raw materials with a stable biochemical composition.


FSBSI All-Russian Scientfic Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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