1. FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center
The possibility of obtaining parthenocarpic hybrids of the female F1 cucumber type in combination with paternal forms of various sexual types – intermediate and predominantly female – has been studied. The research was carried out for four years – 2015-2018, in the winter greenhouse of the "Richelieu" type, in the winterspring turnover, with low-volume cultivation technology. In the competitive and preliminary tests, more than 100 promising hybrid combinations were studied. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the sexual type of perspective parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for the winter-spring rotation depends on the genotype of the original parental forms. The use of predominantly female-type flowering as paternal forms led to an increase in the female F1 hybrids. In a combination of maternal female-type forms with male-type paternal forms, hybrids of the female sex-type cucumber were obtained, but much less frequently than from crossing with the predominantly female types of flowering. According to the results of the competitive variety testing, two promising hybrids of the cucumber – Murava F1 and Vera F1 were transferred to the state variety testing in 2017. These hybrids were created using the paternal forms of a predominantly female type of flowering.
FSBSI All-Russian Scientfic Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production
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