Different perennial species of Allium L. have been studied under Moscow Province conditions as new vegetables and melliferous plants. The results of long-term studies of anthecology of seven species of Allium L.: A. nutans L., A. flavescens Bess., A. odorum L., A. montanum F.W. Schmidt, A. fistulosum L., A. angulosum L., A. schoenoprasum L. are presented in the paper. It is shown that the objects of study differ in terms of the beginning of flowering and length of the growing season. The early-flowering (A. fistulosum, A. montanum, A. schoenoprasum), and late-flowering species (A. angulosum, A. nutans, A. odorum, A. flavescens) were identified. The species features in the daily dynamics of flowering, the timing of development of pistils and the duration of susceptibility of their stigmas are revealed. The significant influence of weather conditions on these processes is established. By nature of blooming flowers within a single inflorescence type are revealed apical (A. schoenoprasum, A. fistulosum) and basal (A. odorum, A. nutans, A. montanum, A. flavescens) types of inflorescence. Besides, groups of species differing with the dynamics of disclosure of flowers in inflorescences are noted. It was found that the daily course of opening flowers within the species, as a whole, is constant, but depends on weather conditions. It is shown that the maximum number of flowers opening per day in all species falls on the middle of the flowering period. The species composition of pollinators and entomophages for the studied species of Allium L. was determined. The taxonomic diversity of the composition of insects visiting the inflorescences of onions is shown. The role of separate insects in the pollination process is established. The main pollinators of early-flowering and late-flowering species of onions are determined. It is stated that the most important as pollinators are species related to the orders of Hymenoptera (bumblebees, bees) and Diptera (flower flies, tachina flies), the activity of which largely depends on weather conditions and time of day.
FSBSI All-Russian Scientfic Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production
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