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4. Pat. RU. N 2542612 C1 Installation for the study of a sample of material for abrasion with ice. A.T. Bekker, P.V. Anokhin, R.S. Tyutrin, application: 2013146148/28, 15.10.2013; publ. 02/20/2015, Bul. N. 5, 10 p.
5. Pat. RU. N 2542613, C1 Installation for the study of a sample of material for ice abrasion. A.T. Becker, P.V. Anokhin, R.S. Tyutrin, application: 2013146117/28, 15.10.2013; publ. 02/20/2015, Bul. N 5, 6 p.