1. 1. On Procedure of entry to the RF and departure from the RF: The Federal Law of 15 August 1996 No. 114-FZ (ed. 17 December 2019 No.433-FZ). Available at: Refe¬rence Legal System Consultant Plus (accessed 14 February 2020). (In Russian).
2. 2. On the civil service system in the Russian Federation: The Federal Law of 27 July 2004 No. 79-FZ (ed. 16 December 2019 No. 432-FZ). Collection of Legislation of the RF, 2010, no. 31, art. 4179; 2019, no. 52 (part I), art. 7790. (In Russian).
3. 3. On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services: The Fede¬ral Law of 27 July 2010 No. 210- FZ (ed. 27 December 2019 No. 472-FZ). Collection of Legislation of the RF, 2010, no. 31, art. 4179; 2019, no. 52 (part I), art. 7790. (In Russian).
4. 4. On education in the Russian Federation: The Federal Law of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ (ed. 6 February 2020 No. 9-FZ). Collection of Legislation of the RF, 2012, no. 53 (part I), art. 7598
5. The Rossiiskaya Gazeta, 2020, 10 February, no. 27. (In Russian).