Stab wounds to the head; Case series, review of literature, and proposed management algorithm


Yarandi K1,Jelodar Sina1,Khalatbari Mahmoud2,Rasras Saleh3,Ilkhchi Reza3,Amirjamshidi Abbas1


1. Department of Neurosurgery, Sina Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran

2. Department of Neurosurgery, Arad Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran

3. Department of Neurosurgery, Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz


Background and Objectives: Stabbing the head is a rare event. It may occur following an assault or self-inflicted injury. We intend to report our experience with four such cases and review narratively the relevant literature. A treatment algorithm will be delivered. Materials and Methods: We have reviewed four of our cases; three were stabbed to the orbit and one to the head. Results: Enucleation was performed in one case. Vision could be preserved in the other two and brain abscess developed in the other cases due to a retained piece of knife. We made a comparison between our cases and those limited reports in the literature to reach an algorithm. Conclusion: The temporal region and the orbit are the targets mostly attacked in the craniofacial stabs. Since knives have a sharp and thin edge, they may break when penetrating the skull. The damage to the brain tissue and the retained piece of knife may be missed easily by overlooking the small injury to the scalp. The suggested algorithm would be a contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of the skull and brain and a kind of brain vascular study are necessary, considering the location of the knife in the skull and brain passing the area with crowded vasculature. The best treatment protocol is surgery accompanied by antibiotic therapy.


Georg Thieme Verlag KG

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