Longitudinal follow-up and outcome analysis in patching resistant/patching noncompliant amblyopic subjects treated with dichoptic amblyopia training


Walimbe Prasad B123,Gogate Parikshit M456,Walimbe Tejaswini P12,Khaladkar Girija M1


1. Walimbe Eye Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India

2. Department of Ophthalmology, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune, Maharashtra, India

3. Department of Ophthalmology, Jehangir Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, Maharashtra, India

4. Community Eye Care Foundation, Dr. Gogate’s Eye Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, India

5. Department of Ophthalmology, D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India

6. School of Health Sciences, Queens University, Belfast, UK


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to estimate the efficacy of dichoptic amblyopia training (DAT) in patching resistant/patching noncompliant amblyopic subjects on best-corrected distance visual acuity and stereoacuity with 12-month follow-up. Methodology: In this study, 113 participants with anisometropic, isometropic, strabismic, and accommodative esotropia with amblyopia, with a mean age of 8 years (interquartile range [IQR] 7–10), using full-time spectacle correction and not improving with prescribed patching protocol in 2 subsequent visits 3 months apart were included in the study. Subjects with deprivational amblyopia, ocular comorbidity, or neuronal defects were excluded. Subjects were given 30 min of dichoptic gameplay with Bynocs DAT for 5 days a week for at least 6 weeks. Best-corrected distance visual acuity and stereoacuity of subjects were recorded before treatment, immediately after Bynocs DAT, 6 months, and at 12-month follow-up. Results: The age group of the participants was divided into three groups – (1) <9 years (64.6%), (2) 10–17 years (33.6%), and (3) >18 years (1.8%). The median (IQR) age of 113 participants was 8 years (7–10). The diagnosis of the participants was anisometropic amblyopia in 18 (15.9%), isometropic amblyopia in 72 (63.7%), accommodative esotropia with amblyopia in 18 (15.9%), and strabismic amblyopia in 5 (4.4%). Post dichoptic therapy, the best-corrected distance visual acuity improvement was statistically significant using the McNemar test and remained stable till the 12-month follow-up (P < 0.001). Post Bynocs DAT, stereoacuity improvement was statistically significant using the McNemar test and maintained till the 12-month follow-up (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Best-corrected distance visual acuity and stereoacuity improved after Bynocs DAT and remained stable in patching resistant/patching noncompliant subjects with anisometropic and isometropic amblyopia 12 months after cessation of treatment.










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