Evaluation of Ion Recombination Correction for Indigenously Developed Farmer Ion Chamber in Flattening Filter-Free Photon Beams


Patwe Parimal T.1,Deshpande Sudesh S.2,Mahajan Gajanan R.3


1. School of Physical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India

2. Department of Radiation Oncology, P.D. Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

3. Department of Physics, Shri Datta Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hadgaon, Maharashtra, India


Purpose and Aim: Modern generation linear accelerator (linac) either generates X-rays with a flattening filter (WFF beam) or without flattening filter free (FFF beam). The FFF beams are associated with a significantly higher dose per pulse compared to WFF beams due to the absence of a flattening filter and the corresponding attenuation caused by it. This results in increased ion recombination and a larger saturation correction factor (ks). In accordance with the IAEA TRS 398 dosimetry protocol, ks is necessary for the accurate measurement of absorbed dose at a point in water. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ks for the indigenous FAR 65-GB ion chamber (IC) for the FFF X-rays. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on TrueBeam linac (Varian, A Siemens Healthineers company) which offers 6 MV WFF, 6 MV FFF, 10 MV WFF and 10 MV FFF beams. The two-voltage method was employed to measure ks in a solid water phantom at a depth of 10 cm for a FAR 65-GB and SNC 600c and 0.6cc PTW 30013 Farmer chambers at 100 cm and 150 cm source-to-chamber distances for a 10 cm × 10 cm field size. Results: The ks values for the FAR 65-GB, PTW 30,013, and SNC 600c were 1.0055 (1.0113), 1.0051 (1.0071), and 1.0033 (1.0066) for the 6 MV WFF (FFF) beams, respectively, and 1.0066 (1.0178), 1.0061 (1.0137), and 1.0035 (1.0119) for the 10MV WFF (FFF) beams, respectively. The ks values calculated by two-voltage method matches with ks values obtained from Jaffe’s plot. The chamber exhibited a linear dose-response up to 3000 cGy, beyond which a saturation effect was observed. Conclusions: Our study reveals that this chamber is suitable for the reference dosimetry for the FFF beams.










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