Effect of beta blockers on optical coherence tomography angiography in normal, suspect, and glaucomatous eyes: A prospective study


Philip Reni1,Vijaya Lingam1,Balekudaru Shantha1,Panda Smita1,Khurana Mona1,David Rathini L1,Asokan Rashima12,George Ronnie1


1. Smt. Jadhavbai Nathamal Singhvee Glaucoma Services, Medical Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

2. Occupational Optometry Services, Elite School of Optometry, Medical Research Foundation, Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Abstract Purpose: The study aimed to assess the effect of hypertension, and use of systemic beta blockers (BB) and other antihypertensives on ocular perfusion by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) in normal, suspect, and glaucomatous eyes. Methods: Cross-sectional study in tertiary eye care center. Prospectively recruited consenting subjects between 18 and 90 years with or without glaucoma. Measured the optic nerve peripapillary perfusion and flux and macular vessel density (MVD: 6 × 6 and 3 × 3 mm) in the superficial retinal layer using OCTA. Results: Included 200 eyes (112 patients). Compared to nonhypertensives or those on non-BB antihypertensives (NBB), hypertensives on BB had lower peripapillary perfusion (43.45,43.40, 42.05%, P = 0.003), and MVD (6 × 6 mm: 16.65, 16.70,15.75 mm/mm2, P = 0.002; 3 × 3 mm: 18.70, 18.50, 18.00 mm/mm2, P = 0.025). Those on systemic BB with vasodilatory properties had similar perfusion parameters as nonhypertensives and NBB. Those on systemic BB without vasodilating properties had significantly lower peripapillary perfusion (42.05 vs 43.30%, P = 0.011) and MVD (6 × 6 mm: 15.15 vs 16.60 mm/mm2, P < 0.001; 3 × 3 mm: 17.40 vs 18.70 mm/mm2, P = 0.005) compared to nonhypertensives. On multivariate analysis, peripapillary perfusion increased with increase in diastolic blood pressure (β:0.051, p: 0.04) and increasing age was the only factor found to be significantly associated with decreased peripapillary and macular perfusion parameters. Conclusion: Systemic BB users have worse ocular perfusion parameters compared to those on other medications or nonhypertensives on univariate analysis but similar perfusion on multivariate analysis. Those on BB with vasodilation have better ocular perfusion parameters. All BB cannot be considered equally detrimental to ocular perfusion. Further well-controlled prospective studies are needed to reassess the effects of BB with or without vasodilation on ocular perfusion.










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