Mental emotional disorder is a predictor of stroke incidence in adults: Ten year results of the Bogor Cohort Study on Non–Communicable Disease Risk Factors in Indonesia


Riyadina Woro1,Putri Alifa Syamantha1,Tuminah Sulistyowati1,Suswanti Ika2,Turana Yuda3


1. Research Center for Public Health and Nutrition, Organization Research for Health, National Research and Innovation Agency, Center Jakarta, Indonesia

2. StiKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang, South Tangerang, Indonesia

3. School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, North Jakarta, Indonesia


Objective: To determine the stroke predictors for the 10-year of follow-up in Bogor City, Indonesia. Methods: The prospective study analyzed the data of 4445 stroke-free subjects aged 25 years and above that was part of "the Bogor Cohort Study on Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors". Data were collected by interview method with structured questionnaires, physical measurements three times a year, and laboratory examination every two years during a 10-year follow-up (2011-2021, without examination in 2020). The incidence of stroke is based on anamnesis results and examination by a neurologist. Other stroke predictor variables include characteristics, biological conditions, and risk behavior. We analysed 4445 stroke-free samples with Cox proportional hazard regression test. Results: During the 10-year observation, stroke incidence was 440 person-years per 100000 population (95% CI 370-530). During the follow-up of ten years, the main predictor of stroke was mental-emotional disorders with HR 4.2 (95% CI 2.8-6.3) after adjustment by age, hypertension, obesity, abdominal obesity, and high LDL-cholesterol levels. Conclusions: Mental-emotional disorders are the strongest predictor of stroke incidence. Hence, psychological factors must be controlled in a stroke prevention program.









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