1. Centre for Community Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Risk stratification approach considering total cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and providing appropriate interventions is one of the WHO best-buys for tackling noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Various risk prediction tools are available to assess total CVD risk and help identify high-risk individuals. Similarly, tools are available for the prediction of risk for specific NCDs such as diabetes and hypertension. Since these tools are context specific, we reviewed the CVD risk prediction tools and disease-specific risk scores relevant for Indian setting. A literature review was performed in PUBMED and Google Scholar using the keywords. A comparison of CVD risk prediction charts applicable for India has been carried out and includes WHO CVD risk charts, WHO/ISH risk charts, Globorisk, and INTERHEART modifiable risk charts. Among these, WHO CVD risk charts are highly recommended for use in India because of its robust methodology in development and have been externally validated. Disease-specific risk scores for Indian setting include Indian Diabetes Risk Score and Hypertension Risk Prediction Tool.