Chatterjee Debajyoti,Radotra Bishan D,Madan Renu,Gupta Sunil K
Extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MCS) of the central nervous system (CNS) is extremely rare. Herein, we present the clinicopathological features of five CNS extraskeletal MCS.
Material and Methods:
Over the past 10 years, five cases of CNS MCS have been retrieved from in the archives of histopathology department. All biopsies were stained with vimentin, S-100, CD99, desmin, GFAP, INI1, WT1, STAT6, and EMA.
There were four males and one female patient in the age group of 1.5–35 years. The clinical and radiological impression was meningioma in three cases, glomus jugulare and primitive neuroectodermal tumor in one case each. All showed classic biphasic morphology, areas of undifferentiated small blue round cells sharply demarcated from the island of cartilage. Three patients experienced multiple recurrences and died subsequently.
Extraskeletal MCS of CNS is rare and favors children and young adults. They show aggressive behavior and tend to recur despite surgery and radiotherapy.