Testing a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Intervention Approach for Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol and Other Drug Use in Humanitarian Settings: Protocol of the Ukuundapwa Chapamo Randomised Controlled Trial


Kane JeremyC,Kamanga Muzi,Skavenski Stephanie,Murray LauraK,Shawa Mbaita,Bwalya Bertha,Metz Kristina,Paul Ravi,Mushabati Namuchana,Ventevogel Peter,Haddad Stephanie,Kilbane Grace,Sienkiewicz Megan,Chibemba Veronica,Chiluba Princess,Mtongo Nkumbu,Chibwe Mildred,Figge CalebJ,Alto Michelle,Mwanza David,Mupinde Elizabeth,Kakumbi Shira,Tol WietseA,Vaughan Kelsey,Banda Zaliwe,Busse Anja,Ezard Nadine,Zulu Allan,Loongo Henry,Greene M.Claire




Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Psychology,Pshychiatric Mental Health,Social Psychology

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