1. Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt
2. General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt
Mastitis is a problematic issue because it may lead to many complications as early termination of breastfeeding, formation of breast abscess, deformity of breast tissue, and recurrence. Nursing management is conducted to deepen patients’ understanding of the diseases, enhancing self-care ability, and establishing healthy living habits.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a nursing teaching protocol on mastitis prognosis.
A quasi-experimental research design was utilized.
The study was conducted in the breast unit in general surgery department at Main Assiut University Hospital.
A convenient sample of sixty adult female patients diagnosed with mastitis was included.
Four tools used I: An interview questionnaire sheet, II: Mastitis self-care practices, III: Numeric Pain Rating Scale, and IV: Mastitis prognosis sheet.
The mean age of both study and control groups was (37.57±9.01, 38.30±9.24 respectively). (60.0% and 50.0% respectively) of both groups had lactational mastitis. There was statistically significant improvement in study group’s level of knowledge and self-care practices at follow up. Moreover, (63.3%, 70.0% respectively) of both groups had severe pain at base line. However, at follow up (66.7%,) of study group didn’t have any pain and cured completely. while (40.0%) of control still having severe pain, (33.3%) discontinued breast feeding and (20.0%) converted into breast abscess.
Implementation of a nursing teaching protocol had a positive outcome on mastitis prognosis.
Distribution of a mastitis teaching protocol for patients with mastitis to improve prognosis.