Effect of Flax seed oil and Ashwagandharishta on various behavioral and pharmacological models of depression in Swiss albino mice


Tanna Ila Revachand1,Chandola Hari Mohan2


1. Associate Professor, Department of Rog Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Main Campus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

2. Former Dean and HOD, Department of Roga Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan, IPGT and RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India


Abstract Background: Linum usitatissimum Linn., commonly known as flax seed or linseed, is known to be the richest plant source of alpha linoleic acid, an omega 3 fatty acid, whereas Ashwagandharishta, an Ayurvedic classical formulation, is the treatment remedy for Apasmara (epilepsy), Murchha (syncope), and Unmada (psychosis). Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the antidepressant effect of flax seed oil and Ashwagandharishta on various behavioral and pharmacological models of depression. Materials and methods: The healthy Swiss albino mice were randomly divided into five groups: (i) Normal control i.e., water control, (ii) vehicle control - Milk control (7.4 mL/kg), (iii) flax seed oil with milk (2.6 mL/kg), (iv) Ashwagandharishta (6.5 mL/kg), and (v) flax seed oil with milk followed by Ashwagandharishta (2.6 mL/kg + 7.4 mL/kg+ 6.5 mL/kg). The antidepressant effect was evaluated using behavioral despair test, anti-reserpine test, and L-DOPA potentiation test. Results: Flax seed oil, when administered with milk as the vehicle was found to be an excellent antidepressant in behavioral model of depression [P < 0.001 [vs. control]; P < 0.05 [vs. milk]] as well as against reserpine-induced depression (P < 0.05). However, it failed to exert a similar effect in the L-DOPA potentiation test. Whereas Ashwagandharishta showed moderate antidepressant activity in behavior despair test (P < 0.05) as well as against reserpine-induced depression (P < 0.01) and failed to exert L-DOPA potentiating effect. Conclusion: Flax seed oil and Ashwagandharishta exhibit a significant antidepressant effect in various behavioral and pharmacological models of depression in Swiss albino mice.










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