Jawanjal Pravin,Patgiri Bishwajyoti
Kshara is one of the dosage forms utilizes in Ayurveda. Apamarga Kshara is prepared from alkaline ash of herbs used in Ayurveda as local and internal therapeutics. In local therapeutics, it is used in the form of Ksharasutra and as Pratisrniya Kashara. It can be also administered for internal use termed as Paniya Khara. Apamarga Kshara is a herbomineral formulation commonly used in anorectal disorders. It is used in various ailments such as warts, polyp, renal disorders calculus, nasal diseases, ear diseases, and leukoderma. The Apamarga Kshara having properties of Ksharana (debridation), Bhedana (incision), Chhedana (excision), Shodhana (purification), Stambhana (haemostatic), and Ropana (healing). Apamarga Ksharodaka is an aqueous solution of Apamarga Kshara useful in the management of warts. Apamargakshara Taila is medicated oil prepared from Acyranthes aspera and sesame oil is indicated in-ear disorder. Hence, a review of the therapeutics aspects of Apamarga Kshara is selected for the study. The present review study aimed to analyze available information from the different databases and published literature to provide information about clinical studies and case reports of Apamarga Kshara. The published clinical data suggest the safety and efficacy of Apamarga Kshara.