The knee rehabilitation in the aquatic environment has been used to start the rehabilitation of the lower limb earlier and improve joint movements, as it reduces pain and allows for earlier weight loading. The aim of the study was to develop and describe the effects of a therapeutic exercise program in an aquatic environment, in a clinical case of osteotomy of the tibia and the varus femur. A 15-year-old girl, submitted to an osteotomy of the tibia and the varus femur, completed a therapeutic exercise program in aquatic environment for a total of 30 sessions (3 sessions/week of 60 min). The subject was evaluated in two moments (at the beginning and at the end of the intervention). The results showed an improvement in the various parameters evaluated (knee flexion: 66° vs. 125°, knee extension: −7° vs. −1°, and pain on movement: 6/10 vs. 0/10). We concluded the therapeutic exercise program in the aquatic environment used in this study had beneficial effects in the clinical case of tibial osteotomy and varus femur.