Rai Prachi,Bhake Arvind,Bahadure Sweta
Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is the most common malignancy of the female genital tract that accounts for about 7% of all invasive cancer in women. Therefore, the first step is to find predictive and prognostic factors, then to define clinically relevant risk groups and finally design clinical trials and treatment options. Hence, to improve the treatment and follow-up of EC patients, the importance of various prognostic factors has been extensively studied. The present study is intended to evaluate the various prognostic parameters of EC.
The aim of the study was to evaluate various prognostic factors in patients of diagnosed case of EC at a tertiary health center.
The objectives of the study were
1).to diagnose EC by routine H and E staining and grade (FIGO) it and (2) and to evaluate various prognostic parameters including clinical, gross, and histopathological factors.
Study Design:
This was a observational and retrospective study.
Materials and Methods:
Fifty cases of EC were diagnosed on histopathology, then evaluate various prognostic factors.
Most of the cases belonged to the postmenopausal group, endometrioid type, stage I that means confined to the endometrium alone. The most common grade was Grade II accounting to 40.00%, followed by Grade I and Grade III, i.e., 34% and 18%, respectively, and 8% were included in the unknown grade.
Knowledge of prognostic factors may enable physicians to find the best appropriate treatment for the prevention of recurrence. Patients at risk for an aggressive or advanced disease could be referred to centers and clinicians with special expertise in managing advanced or recurrent EC.