1. Department of General Medicine, Raja Rajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
The ability to produce secondary metastatic deposits at a distant site is the single most essential biological process that symbolizes a malignant tumor. Metastasis to adrenal glands is known to spread from the primaries of the lungs, breast, melanoma, Gatro Intestinal Tract (GIT), pancreas, and kidneys. Here, we report a case of an elderly woman presenting with features of metastasis to subcutaneous tissue, lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and bilateral adrenal gland with symptomatic adrenal insufficiency and primary being in left kidney-renal cell carcinoma-clear cell type. The presence of bilateral synchronous adrenal metastasis with symptomatic adrenal insufficiency with evidence of metastasis to subcutaneous tissue is catastrophic since it marks disseminated cancer.