1. AIDS in Africa: Testimony Before the Unite States Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs by Harvey E. Bale, Harvey. 24 fev. 2000. Disponível em:
2. Keeping the Promise, International Conference on AIDS, 14th: 2002: Barcelona, Spain, by Peter Piot. 07 jul. 2002. Disponível em:
3. Speech, International Conference on AIDS, 14th: 2002: Barcelona, Spain, by Richard Feachem. 09 jul. 2002. Disponível em:
4. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Archives. Papers of Baron Professor Peter Piot GB 0809. 1976-2012. Londres. [Piot papers].
5. National Archives and Records Administrations. George W. Bush Presidential Library. Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Series: Karl W. Zinsmeister. Dallas. [G.W. Bush papers]