Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Tendency of Fishery Consumption: Case of Iğdır Province






In the research, socio-economic and demographic factors affecting the fish consumption amount of consumers in Iğdır province were tried to be determined. The main material of the research is the survey data obtained from 325 consumers residing in the province of Iğdır and determined by using the commensurate sampling method. In the research, the factors affecting the fish consumption amount of the consumers were analyzed with the sequential probit model. In the sequential probit model created, the fish consumption levels of the consumers were used as the addict variable, and the inaddict variables were determined as gender, income level, frequency of fish consumption, type of fish consumed, annual red meat consumption and type of fish consumption. The model results; The variables of gender, income level, frequency of fish consumption, type of fish consumed, annual red meat consumption and fish consumption pattern were all found to be statistically significant. According to the ordinal probit model results, it was determined that the gender of the consumer decreased the fish consumption level. As expected in the research, it was defined that there was a negative relationship between income level and fish consumption level, and a positive relationship between fish consumption frequency and consumption amount. With respect to the model conculsions, it was defined that there is a positive relationship between the amount of red meat consumption of consumers and the amount of fish consumption.


Journal of Agricultural Production

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