1. Biggins D. E. 2000. Predation on black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) and Siberian polecats (Mustela eversmannii): conservation and evolutionary implications Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
2. Biggins D. E. Godbey J. L. Hanebury L. R. Luce B. Matchett M. R. Vargas A. . 1998. The effect of rearing methods on survival of reintroduced black-footed ferrets Journal of Wildlife Management 62:643–653.
3. Biggins D. E. Godbey J. L. Matchett M. R. Hanebury L. R. Livieri T. M. Marinari P. E. . 2006a. Monitoring black-footed ferrets during reestablishment of free-ranging populations: discussion of alternative methods and prescription of minimum standards Pp. 155–174 in Recovery of the black-footed ferret—progress and continuing challenges ( Roelle J. E. Miller B. J. Godbey J. L. Biggins D. E. , eds.). United States Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005—5293.
4. Biggins D. E. Godbey J. L. Matchett M. R. Livieri T. M. . 2006b. Habitat preferences and intraspecific competition in black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) Pp. 129–140 in Recovery of the black-footed ferret—progress and continuing challenges ( Roelle J. E. Miller B. J. Godbey J. L. Biggins D. E. , eds.). United States Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005—5293.
5. Biggins D. E. Godbey J. L. Miller B. J. Hanebury L. R. . 2006c. Radio-telemetry for black-footed ferret research and monitoring Pp. 175–189 in Recovery of the black-footed ferret—progress and continuing challenges ( Roelle J. E. Miller B. J. Godbey J. L. Biggins D. E. , eds.). United States Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005—5293.