1. Fred W. Allendorf, and Gordon Luikart .2007 .Conservation and the genetics of populations.Blackwell, Malden, Massachusetts. xix + 642 p. $84.95, ISBN: 978-1-4051-2145-3 (alk. paper).
2. Marina Belozerskaya .2006 .The Medici giraffe: and other tales of exotic animals and power.Little, Brown, New York. xv + 414 p. $24.99, ISBN: 978-0-316-52565-7.
3. James T. Costa, 2006 .The other insect societies.Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. xiv + 767 p. $59.95, ISBN: 978-0-674-02163-1 (alk. paper).
4. A. S. Goudie, and N. J. Middleton .2006 .Desert dust in the global system.Springer, New York. ix + 287 p. $169.00, ISBN: 978-3-540-32354-9 (acid-free paper).
5. Susie Green .2006 .Tiger.Animal. Reaktion Books, London, United Kingdom. 189 p. $19.95, ISBN: 978-1-86189-276-8.