This study aimed to determine the efficacy of magnetic field therapy in equine rehabilitation and the use of thermography as a diagnostic tool providing visualisation of the healing progress. The material for the study was a 23-year-old Mur-Insulan mare used for many years as a horse for riding lessons. Magnetic field therapy was applied every second day for 60 minutes. During the survey, blood samples were taken three times. Thermograms were taken before and after each magnetic therapy sessions. Magnetic field therapy had no negative effects on the mare’s condition, which was supported by haematological blood samples analysis. Thermograms showed increased temperature within the examined front limbs and trunk. During the sessions, the mare was calm and relaxed, which indicates that the application of a magnetic field had a calming and soothing effect on the horse's body. The conclusion was that magnetic field therapy may improve regeneration, provides proper cell nutrition, faster bone symphysis, analgesia and could decrease swelling.
Medycyna Weterynaryjna - Redakcja