Superovulation in cattle – searching for the optimal dose, alternative routes of administration and a simplified FSH application program
The aim of this article is to set out certain possibilities related to the simplification of the superovulation protocols (SOV) in cattle. The traditional protocols, which have been in use for decades, include as standard several injections of FSH preparations. Due to the widespread increase in the importance of the animals’ welfare, alternative options for its administration are now being sought. Appropriate selection of gonadotropin as well as the dose and ratio of hormones makes it possible to limit undesirable effects such as prolonged ovarian stimulation. Adjuvants such as polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyethylene glycol, hyaluronic acid or aluminium hydroxide enable the extension of the absorption time of FSH preparations, thus reducing the amount of FSH injections. A single deposition of hormones dissolved in aqueous solutions is possible when it is administered via alternative routes, such as subcutaneous or epidural. Reduction of the amount of FSH injections may directly translate into a decrease of the stress level in animals treated by the SOV protocols and also to the improvement of the efficiency of embryo production. A significant risk factor remains the high variability of superovulation. Its effectiveness depends on a number of generally well known individual and environmental factors that should also be considered when joining SOV.
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General Veterinary