Cattle botulism: Underestimated epidemiological problem
Botulism in cattle is a rarely diagnosed, but highly fatal disease. Laboratory diagnosis of cattle botulism cases is complicated by the high genetic diversity of C. botulinum strains. The proper diagnosis of botulism is based mainly on observation of clinical symptoms. In epidemiological investigation, the most important is to consider the genetic diversity of C. botulinum strains and the chimeric character of toxins produced by this microorganism. It is also important to investigate the potential vectors and origins of C. botulinum spores in order to detect the potential routes of transmission, which are not yet thoroughly understood. Cattle botulism is underestimated worldwide because of the difficulty of classifying its clinical forms and determining its vectors. Very important in the risk management of botulism are adequate sanitization procedures to prevent the spreading of spores and as a consequence new outbreaks of this disease
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General Veterinary