The paper presents a post-traumatic anomaly of the metacarpal joint of a front limb of a female red deer, which was the cause of joint dislocation. This anomaly arose due to an incorrect positioning of the limb during movement, especially during fast running, most probably when the frightened animal was escaping from danger. Other mechanical causes cannot be excluded, such as entrapment of the limb in a net fence for crops and forest youngsters, which is commonly used to protect the forest from wild animals. The study showed that the resulting injury had led to secondary degenerative changes and deformities of the lopsided axis of the limb. The result was an incorrect directional orientation of the metacarpal bone and toes, and consequently of the hooves of the third and fourth fingertips. At the same time, the second and fifth toes, residual in this species, became retarded. The joint dislocation led to an incorrect positioning of the hooves during the animal’s movement and, consequently, to their excessive growth. These changes, however, despite their long-standing character, did not affect the animal’s condition, as evidenced by its carcass weight, which was above average for a female deer of this age and in this region of Poland.
Medycyna Weterynaryjna - Redakcja