Niedźwiedzka-Rystwej Paulina,Tokarz-Deptuła Beata,Deptuła Wiesław
In recent years, it has been discovered that many membrane elements in cells are crucial for homeostasis and constitute a pivotal, previously ignored, element of immunity. Such elements are microvesicles (MV) and exosome granules (EG), which for years have been confused with each other because of their similarity and imprecise nomenclature. Today, however, it is known, that these structures differ in their phenotypes and functions. MV are structures released by the morphotic elements of blood, thrombocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes and vascular endothelium cells, and they play a role in blood clotting, adhesion, fibrinolysis and angiogenesis, as well as in inflammation and apoptosis. EG, on the other hand, belong to RNA granules, which protect genetic material in cells and are also involved in inflammation, immunity, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.
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