1. Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties and Public Health, Urology and Andrology Section, Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia. Loc. S. Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia - Italy
Background Female pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common condition that often leads to lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and may require surgical intervention to alleviate those symptoms. However, tThe relationship between LUTS and pelvic organ descent however, remains unclear. The aim of this paper is to determine the correlation between LUTS and POP and changes after POP repair. Methods We retrospectively review female patients who attended our tertiary high- volume centre center for LUTS and POP, and underwent integral pelvic floor reconstruction. Results An overall of 256 patients presented with POP and LUTS and underwent POP repair. Most of 50% of patients reported two or more symptoms and only 4.2% were asymptomatic for LUTS. 189/256 (73.8%) patients had voiding symptoms and 39 a urodynamic detrusor overactivity. Thirteen suffered from hydronephrosis. 148/256 (57.8%) showed a stress urinary incontinence. All the patients underwent POP repair with or without contemporary anti- incontinence procedure. Conclusions Urologists and gynaecologists should recognisebe aware of the high frequency of the POP and LUTS association of POP and LUTS. POP repair my restore a normal situation but symptoms may last after the surgery or develop “de novo.”
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