1. Calculation and classification of the direction loci for collinear types I, II and III phase-matching of three-wave nonlinear optical parametric interactions in uniaxial and biaxial acentric crystals
2. B. Boulanger, J. Zyss, Non-linear optical properties, in: A. Authier (Ed.), International Tables for Crystallography, Physical Properties of Crystals, vol. D, International Union of Crystallography, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2003, p. 177 (Chapter 1.8)
3. Methodology for optical studies of nonlinear crystals: application to the isomorph family , , and
4. O. Pacaud, Oscillateurs paramétriques optiques bases sur des cristaux de géométrie cylindrique, PhD thesis, Joseph Fourier University, 13 June 2001
5. See for example: Précis d'optique cristalline appliquée à l'identification des minéraux, Masson & Cie, Paris, 1968